Ep. 173 Daily Detox Habits + My Sauna Protocol

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

In the new year, many people think they need cleansing or crazy detoxes and I am of the mindset that majority of the time I like to live a lifestyle that you don't need to cleanse from. I also am a huge fan of incorporating daily habits to support healthy detox like herbs/teas, dry brushing, food as medicine, sweating and using therapies like sauna or hot baths and ⁠castor oil pack⁠s. I share all of these and more to help you habit stack and support your body on a daily basis!

Interested in joining us at our May retreat in the Finger Lakes, ⁠learn more here!⁠

⁠Zuma tinctures mentioned in todays show⁠ (code drhalie)

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Connect with me on my website:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ drhalieschoff.com


Ep. 174 Sober Curious Update + Building a healthy community


Ep. 172 Group Para Cleanse and Recapping 2023